

CrystalCrystal and her two children were homeless. Her daughter was in the throws of addiction, she was running away, truant from school and was causing great upheaval in the lives of her family. Her son was getting left behind due to the chaotic and unpredictable environment which was causing him to withdrawal and struggle at school. Crystal was doing everything she could do to keep her family together but it was impossible to do it alone.

This is where the story ends for many families faced with similar situations but not for Crystal and her children. Crystal joined the Uplift family as a "Champion For Change" in our first Cohort. She learned about the cycle of poverty and the reasons why people can get stuck. She learned how past events can reshape our journey and take us off course. She learned about the hidden class rules and to navigate through shame. She learned that she had choices and with the support of a compassionate intentional community, she could set and achieve goals.

FamilyToday, Crystal owns her own business, has her own apartment and is thriving. She is our first Champion to transition into the final phase of the program which we call “The Giving Back Phase”. She has become a mentor for other Champions and is often found out in the community doing outreach work for Uplift. She also serves on our meal committee which coordinates dinners for our weekly meetings. And what about her children? Her daughter is off drugs, surrounded by new friends and just went to her first dance. She holds down a part-time job and is set to graduate 6 months ahead of her home schooling program. Her son is actively involved in local sports programs, just got his first B on his math test and has transitioned into a socially confident young person who always has something funny to say.

Recently at our Thanksgiving Family Potluck we shared about events or people that we were grateful for. Below is the story Crystal shared with the Uplift Family.

"I have so much to be thankful for. A year ago today we were homeless and I was jobless doing odd end jobs. I had a daughter who one year ago today was high on heroine. Life was a non-stop roller coaster. I was volunteering feeding the homeless yet was homeless myself. If I stopped more than a second to evaluate my situation I would get sick from my life spinning out of control. I have God to thank for my life and my children. With his blessing my children are now healthy and only high on life. I now own my own business, live in a beautiful apartment, and have a best friend who listens and helps me whenever he can. I thank Uplift for all the help and unlimited support and a new large family. Life does not work on your schedule, your time or your bank account but you can't give up. Just hang in for the long haul. You're always going to have good days and bad days. The people who surround me today are an amazing group and I'm thankful for them all".

Uplift People of Elk Grove
8986 Elk Grove Boulevard
Elk Grove, CA 95624

(916) 900-6991

Helping individuals and families create more abundant lives.